var dict = {}; dict.isDependent; dict.financialAid = { 'active':false, 'title':'Financial aid', '0':'Yes', '1': 'No', 'intValue':0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.age = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Age', 'intValue': 0 }; dict.livingStatus = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Living arrangement', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.residencyStatus = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Residency', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.maritalStatus = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Marital Status', '0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', 'intValue': '' }; dict.numberOfChildren = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Children', '0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', 'intValue': '' }; dict.numberInFamily = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Number in Family', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.numberInCollege = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Number in College', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.householdIncome = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Household Income', 'intValue' : 0, '0': 'Less than $30,000', '1': 'Between $30,000 - $39,999', '2': 'Between $40,000 - $49,999', '3': 'Between $50,000 - $59,999', '4': 'Between $60,000 - $69,999', '5': 'Between $70,000 - $79,999', '6': 'Between $80,000 - $89,999', '7': 'Between $90,000 - $99,999', '8': 'Above $99,999' };
var numberoflivingstatus = 0; var npc1_livingstatus = ""; var npc1_isdefaultlivingstatus = "0"; var npc1_residencystatus = ""; var npc1_isdefaultresidencystatus = "0"; var npc_step = "0"; var currentstepid = "0";
var efcDependent = []; efcDependent[0] = {}; efcDependent[0].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[0].numberInFamily=2; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[1] = 1662; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[2] = 3838; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[3] = 6233; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[4] = 9213; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[5] = 12598; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[6] = 16073; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[7] = 19652; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[8] = 31988; efcDependent[1] = {}; efcDependent[1].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[1].numberInFamily=3; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[1] = 1148; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[2] = 3345; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[3] = 5671; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[4] = 8505; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[5] = 11903; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[6] = 15457; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[7] = 19000; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[8] = 33515; efcDependent[2] = {}; efcDependent[2].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[2].numberInFamily=4; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[1] = 322; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[2] = 2499; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[3] = 4632; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[4] = 7038; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[5] = 10235; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[6] = 13750; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[7] = 17322; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[8] = 32834; efcDependent[3] = {}; efcDependent[3].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[3].numberInFamily=5; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[2] = 1605; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[3] = 3641; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[4] = 5871; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[5] = 8764; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[6] = 12239; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[7] = 15864; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[8] = 31509; efcDependent[4] = {}; efcDependent[4].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[4].numberInFamily=6; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[2] = 100; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[3] = 2208; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[4] = 4317; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[5] = 6714; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[6] = 9983; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[7] = 13653; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[8] = 28644; efcDependent[5] = {}; efcDependent[5].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[5].numberInFamily=2; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[1] = 1233; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[2] = 2538; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[3] = 3589; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[4] = 5014; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[5] = 6773; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[6] = 13372; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[7] = 9297; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[8] = 27844; efcDependent[6] = {}; efcDependent[6].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[6].numberInFamily=3; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[1] = 839; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[2] = 2005; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[3] = 3374; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[4] = 5085; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[5] = 6794; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[6] = 8614; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[7] = 10326; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[8] = 17064; efcDependent[7] = {}; efcDependent[7].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[7].numberInFamily=4; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[1] = 549; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[2] = 1697; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[3] = 2949; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[4] = 4526; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[5] = 6192; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[6] = 7988; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[7] = 9775; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[8] = 18327; efcDependent[8] = {}; efcDependent[8].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[8].numberInFamily=5; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[1] = 83; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[2] = 1226; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[3] = 2357; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[4] = 3728; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[5] = 5410; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[6] = 7182; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[7] = 8974; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[8] = 17646; efcDependent[9] = {}; efcDependent[9].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[9].numberInFamily=6; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[2] = 401; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[3] = 1567; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[4] = 2764; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[5] = 4318; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[6] = 6054; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[7] = 7847; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[8] = 16192; efcDependent[10] = {}; efcDependent[10].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[10].numberInFamily=3; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[1] = 915; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[2] = 1706; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[3] = 2358; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[4] = 3328; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[5] = 5120; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[6] = 7358; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[7] = 6197; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[8] = 10648; efcDependent[11] = {}; efcDependent[11].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[11].numberInFamily=4; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[1] = 413; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[2] = 1225; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[3] = 2124; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[4] = 3382; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[5] = 4619; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[6] = 5770; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[7] = 6899; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[8] = 11664; efcDependent[12] = {}; efcDependent[12].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[12].numberInFamily=5; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[1] = 260; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[2] = 1048; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[3] = 1891; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[4] = 2961; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[5] = 4232; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[6] = 5416; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[7] = 6582; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[8] = 12831; efcDependent[13] = {}; efcDependent[13].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[13].numberInFamily=6; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[2] = 462; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[3] = 1236; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[4] = 2092; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[5] = 3207; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[6] = 4436; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[7] = 5634; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[8] = 11372;
var efcIndWithoutDep = []; efcIndWithoutDep[0] = {}; efcIndWithoutDep[0].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithoutDep[0].numberInFamily=1; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[1] = 10517; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[2] = 14250; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[3] = 18108; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[4] = 22054; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[5] = 25903; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[6] = 29900; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[7] = 34070.5; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[8] = 49733; efcIndWithoutDep[1] = {}; efcIndWithoutDep[1].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithoutDep[1].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[0] = 672; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[1] = 8286; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[2] = 11986; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[3] = 15852; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[4] = 19648; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[5] = 23491; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[6] = 27325; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[7] = 31081; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[8] = 44262; efcIndWithoutDep[2] = {}; efcIndWithoutDep[2].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithoutDep[2].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[0] = 1206; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[1] = 5119; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[2] = 7005; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[3] = 8953; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[4] = 10871; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[5] = 12767; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[6] = 14727; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[7] = 16566; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[8] = 22169.5;
var efcIndWithDep = []; efcIndWithDep[0] = {}; efcIndWithDep[0].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[0].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[1] = 1637; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[2] = 3443; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[3] = 5690; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[4] = 8862; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[5] = 12472; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[6] = 15990; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[7] = 19521; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[8] = 31434; efcIndWithDep[1] = {}; efcIndWithDep[1].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[1].numberInFamily=3; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[1] = 1026; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[2] = 2879; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[3] = 4967; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[4] = 7722; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[5] = 11301; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[6] = 14865; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[7] = 18368; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[8] = 28063; efcIndWithDep[2] = {}; efcIndWithDep[2].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[2].numberInFamily=4; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[1] = 143; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[2] = 2044.5; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[3] = 3933; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[4] = 6320; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[5] = 9661; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[6] = 13299; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[7] = 16837; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[8] = 26430; efcIndWithDep[3] = {}; efcIndWithDep[3].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[3].numberInFamily=5; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[2] = 1072; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[3] = 2926; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[4] = 5074; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[5] = 7911; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[6] = 11611; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[7] = 15236; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[8] = 24769; efcIndWithDep[4] = {}; efcIndWithDep[4].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[4].numberInFamily=6; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[2] = 0; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[3] = 1513; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[4] = 3381; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[5] = 5733; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[6] = 8928; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[7] = 12738; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[8] = 22158.5; efcIndWithDep[5] = {}; efcIndWithDep[5].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[5].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[1] = 1152; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[2] = 2093; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[3] = 3294; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[4] = 5061; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[5] = 6666; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[6] = 8505.5; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[7] = 10170; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[8] = 15498; efcIndWithDep[6] = {}; efcIndWithDep[6].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[6].numberInFamily=3; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[1] = 888; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[2] = 1790; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[3] = 2934; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[4] = 4605; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[5] = 6314.5; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[6] = 8089; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[7] = 9798.5; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[8] = 14646.5; efcIndWithDep[7] = {}; efcIndWithDep[7].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[7].numberInFamily=4; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[1] = 432; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[2] = 1313; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[3] = 2300; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[4] = 3652; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[5] = 5347; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[6] = 7079; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[7] = 8774; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[8] = 13030; efcIndWithDep[8] = {}; efcIndWithDep[8].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[8].numberInFamily=5; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[2] = 847; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[3] = 1728; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[4] = 2871; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[5] = 4435; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[6] = 6139; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[7] = 7821; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[8] = 11893.5; efcIndWithDep[9] = {}; efcIndWithDep[9].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[9].numberInFamily=6; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[2] = 167; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[3] = 985; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[4] = 1866; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[5] = 2986; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[6] = 4546.5; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[7] = 6184; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[8] = 10154.5;
// POA var POA_Total = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_TRF = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_BS = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_RB = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_O = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'];
// TGA var TGA_0 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_1_1000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_1001_2500 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_2501_5000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_5001_7500 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_7501_10000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_10001_12500 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_12501_15000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_15001_20000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_20001_30000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_30001_40000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_40000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_NFAFSA = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; POA_Total = ['21600']; POA_TRF = ['10500']; POA_BS = ['900']; POA_RB = ['6000']; POA_O = ['4200']; TGA_0 = ['16000']; TGA_1_1000 = ['15000']; TGA_1001_2500 = ['13500']; TGA_2501_5000 = ['11000']; TGA_5001_7500 = ['9250']; TGA_7501_10000 = ['7500']; TGA_10001_12500 = ['5750']; TGA_12501_15000 = ['4250']; TGA_15001_20000 = ['2755']; TGA_20001_30000 = ['1000']; TGA_30001_40000 = ['750']; TGA_40000 = ['500']; TGA_NFAFSA = ['1000'];
// Step id Defenition // 1 Age, Living Status, Residency Status // 2 Marital Status, Number of Children // 3 Dependent // 4 Independent // 5 Summary page // 6 OUTPUT PAGE function GoNext() { var imgJavaScriptNote = document.getElementById('imgJavaScriptNote'); if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = 'none'; } if (currentstepid) { if (currentstepid == "0") { GoTo("1"); return; } else if (currentstepid == "1") { var tmp_financialAid = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_financialaid").value; // Financial Aid var tmp_age = GetTextBoxValue("txt_age"); // Age // Living Status if (npc1_livingstatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultlivingstatus == "0") { npc1_livingstatus = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_livingstatus").value; } } // Residency Status if (npc1_residencystatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultresidencystatus == "0") { npc1_residencystatus = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_residencystatus").value; } } // Validate if (tmp_financialAid == "" || tmp_age == "" || npc1_livingstatus == "" || npc1_residencystatus == "") { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } if (!IsInteger(tmp_age)) { alert("Please enter integers only."); return; }
// Save entered values into dictionary dict['financialAid'].active = true; dict['financialAid'].intValue = tmp_financialAid; dict['age'].active = true; dict['age'].intValue = tmp_age; if (npc1_livingstatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultlivingstatus == "0") { dict['livingStatus'].active = true; dict['livingStatus']['textValue'] = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_livingstatus").label.getAttribute('title');
} } if (npc1_residencystatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultresidencystatus == "0") { dict['residencyStatus'].active = true; dict['residencyStatus']['textValue'] = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_residencystatus").label.getAttribute('title'); } }
// Rules if (dict['financialAid'].intValue == "1") { GenerateSummary(); GoTo("5"); } else { // Hide/show marital status depending on age if (dict['age'].intValue*1 > 23) { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMaritalStatusQuestion'); if (tbl) { = 'none'; } } else { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMaritalStatusQuestion'); if (tbl) { = ''; } } GoTo("2"); // Change: was 4 } return; } else if (currentstepid == "2") { // Marital Status var tmp_maritalStatus; if (dict['age'].intValue*1 < 24) { tmp_maritalStatus = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_maritalstatus").value; dict['maritalStatus'].active = true; } else { dict['maritalStatus'].active = false; } // Number of Children var tmp_numberOfChildren = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_numberofchildren").value; // Validate var showError = false; if (dict['age'].intValue * 1 < 24 && tmp_maritalStatus == "") { showError = true; } if (tmp_numberOfChildren == "") { showError = true; } if (showError == true) { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } // Save entered values into dictionary dict['maritalStatus'].intValue = tmp_maritalStatus; dict['numberOfChildren'].active = true; dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue = tmp_numberOfChildren; // For independent with children, display additional radio buttons with 'Number in Family' var divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons = document.getElementById('divNumInFamilyWithChildren'); // For independent there are 2 different hints: with children and without var spanNumInFamilyHint = document.getElementById('spanNumInFamilyHint'); if (spanNumInFamilyHint) = 'none'; var spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren = document.getElementById('spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren'); if (spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren) = 'none'; // For independent we have 2 different scenarios for number on college: 'Two' and 'Two or more' var spanTwo = document.getElementById('spanIndNumInCollegeTwo'); var spanTwoOrMore = document.getElementById('spanIndNumInCollegeTwoOrMore'); var divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren = document.getElementById('divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren'); = 'none'; = 'none'; = ''; // Rules if (dict['age'].intValue * 1 > 23) { if (dict['maritalStatus'].intValue * 1 > 0) { // show options for student with children if (div) { = ''; } } else { // hide options for student with children var div = document.getElementById('divNumInFamilyWithChildren'); if (div) { = 'none'; } } dict.isDependent = false; if (dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue * 1 == 1) { if (spanTwo) { = 'none'; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = ''; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = ''; } if (spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = 'none'; } } else { if (spanTwo) { = ''; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = 'none'; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = 'none'; } if (spanNumInFamilyHint) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = ''; } } GoTo('4');
} else { if (dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue * 1 > 0 || dict['maritalStatus'].intValue * 1 > 0) { dict.isDependent = false; if (dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue * 1 == 1) { if (spanTwo) { = 'none'; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = ''; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = ''; } if (spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = 'none'; } } else { if (spanTwo) { = ''; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = 'none'; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = 'none'; } if (spanNumInFamilyHint) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = ''; } }
GoTo("4"); } else { dict.isDependent = true; GoTo("3"); } } return; } else if (currentstepid == "3") { var arrNumInFamily = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_numinfamily_dep").value.split('|'); var arrNumInCollege = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_numincollege_dep").value.split('|'); var tmp_numberinfamily = arrNumInFamily[0]; var tmp_numberincollege = arrNumInCollege[0]; var tmp_householdincome = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_householdincome_dep").value;
// Validate if (tmp_numberinfamily == "" || tmp_numberincollege == "" || tmp_householdincome == "") { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } if (arrNumInCollege[1] * 1 >= arrNumInFamily[1] * 1) { alert('The Number in College must be less than the specified Number in Family.'); return; }
// Save entered values into dictionary dict['numberInFamily'].active = true; dict['numberInFamily'].textValue = tmp_numberinfamily; dict['numberInFamily'].intValue = arrNumInFamily[1]*1; dict['numberInCollege'].active = true; dict['numberInCollege'].textValue = tmp_numberincollege; dict['numberInCollege'].intValue = arrNumInCollege[1]*1; dict['householdIncome'].active = true; dict['householdIncome'].intValue = tmp_householdincome * 1; GenerateSummary(); GoTo("5"); return; } else if (currentstepid == "4") { var arrNumInFamily = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_indnuminfamily").value.split('|'); var arrNumInCollege = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_indnumincollege").value.split('|'); var tmp_numberinfamily = arrNumInFamily[0]; var tmp_numberincollege = arrNumInCollege[0]; var tmp_householdincome = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_householdincome_ind").value;
// Validate if (tmp_numberinfamily == "" || tmp_numberincollege == "" || tmp_householdincome == "") { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } if (arrNumInCollege[1] * 1 > arrNumInFamily[1] * 1) { alert('The Number in College must be less than or equal to the specified Number in Family.'); return; }
// Save entered values into dictionary dict['numberInFamily'].active = true; dict['numberInFamily'].textValue = tmp_numberinfamily; dict['numberInFamily'].intValue = arrNumInFamily[1]*1; dict['numberInCollege'].active = true; dict['numberInCollege'].textValue = tmp_numberincollege; dict['numberInCollege'].intValue = arrNumInCollege[1]*1; dict['householdIncome'].active = true; dict['householdIncome'].intValue = tmp_householdincome * 1;
GenerateSummary(); GoTo("5"); return; } else if(currentstepid == "5") { GenerateReport(); GoTo("6"); } } }
function GoTo(stepid) { if (typeof stepid != 'undefined') { var divWithContent = document.getElementById('dv_npc_s' + stepid); var stepTitle = document.getElementById('dv_npc_s' + stepid + '_t'); var stepnumber = document.getElementById("s_step" + stepid); var dv_npc_s6_r = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s"+stepid+"_r");
if ((divWithContent && stepTitle && stepnumber) || (divWithContent && stepid=="0")) { // Handle Step Number if (stepid == "0") { // Going Back to Step #0 npc_step = "0"; } else if (stepid * 1 > currentstepid) { // next npc_step = npc_step * 1 + 1; } else { // previous npc_step = npc_step * 1 - 1; }
// Write step number to span element if (stepid != "0") { stepnumber.innerHTML = npc_step; }
// Show/Hide Step - Change Step HideAllSteps(); = "block"; if (stepid != "0") { = "block"; } if (stepid == "6") { = "block"; var s_step6_h1 = document.getElementById("s_step6_h1"); var s_step6_h2 = document.getElementById("s_step6_h2"); if (s_step6_h1 && s_step6_h2) { if (npc1_financialaid * 1 == 0) { = "block"; = "none"; } else { = "none"; = "block"; } } } currentstepid = stepid; } } }
function GoPrevious() { var imgJavaScriptNote = document.getElementById('imgJavaScriptNote'); if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = 'none'; }
if(currentstepid == '1') { if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = ''; } }
if (currentstepid != '5' && currentstepid != '4') { GoTo('' + (currentstepid * 1 - 1)); } else if (currentstepid == '4') { GoTo('2'); } else { if (dict.isDependent == true) GoTo('3'); else GoTo('4'); } }
function GenerateReport() { var efc = 0; if (dict['financialAid'].intValue * 1 == 0) { efc = GetEFC(); } var lookup_column = "-1"; if (npc1_livingstatus == "-1") { lookup_column = npc1_livingstatus; } else { var res_status = 0; if (npc1_residencystatus != "-1") { res_status = npc1_residencystatus; } lookup_column = numberoflivingstatus * 1 * res_status * 1 + npc1_livingstatus * 1; }
if (lookup_column == "-1") { return; }
var s_etpoa = document.getElementById("s_etpoa"); var s_etf = document.getElementById("s_etf"); var s_erb = document.getElementById("s_erb"); var s_ebs = document.getElementById("s_ebs"); var s_eo = document.getElementById("s_eo"); var s_etga = document.getElementById("s_etga"); var s_enp = document.getElementById("s_enp"); var x = 0; var y = 0;
if (s_etpoa) { x = POA_Total[lookup_column]; s_etpoa.innerHTML = formatCurrency(x); } if (s_etf) { s_etf.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_TRF[lookup_column]); } if (s_erb) { s_erb.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_RB[lookup_column]); } if (s_ebs) { s_ebs.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_BS[lookup_column]); } if (s_eo) { s_eo.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_O[lookup_column]); } if (s_etga) { if (dict['financialAid'].intValue * 1 == 1) { // NON-FAFSA y = TGA_NFAFSA[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 == 0) { y = TGA_0[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 1 && efc * 1 <= 1000) { y = TGA_1_1000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1001 >= 1 && efc * 1 <= 2500) { y = TGA_1001_2500[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 2501 >= 1 && efc * 1 <= 5000) { y = TGA_2501_5000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 5001 && efc * 1 <= 7500) { y = TGA_5001_7500[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 7501 && efc * 1 <= 10000) { y = TGA_7501_10000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 10001 && efc * 1 <= 12500) { y = TGA_10001_12500[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 12501 && efc * 1 <= 15000) { y = TGA_12501_15000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 15001 && efc * 1 <= 20000) { y = TGA_15001_20000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 20001 && efc * 1 <= 30000) { y = TGA_20001_30000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 30001 && efc * 1 <= 40000) { y = TGA_30001_40000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 40001) { y = TGA_40000[lookup_column]; } s_etga.innerHTML = formatCurrency(y); } if (s_enp) { var z = x * 1 - y * 1; s_enp.innerHTML = formatCurrency(z); }
function GetEFC() {
var efc = 0;
if(dict.isDependent == true) {
var arrayLength = efcDependent.length;
for(var i=0; i
// Step 2 if (dict['maritalStatus'].active == true) { html = html + '
// Step 3 & 4 if (dict['numberInFamily'].active == true) { html = html + '
// Function displays bunner of institution function setupBanner() { var imgInstitutionBanner = document.getElementById('imgInstitutionBanner'); var divInstitutionBanner = document.getElementById('divInstitutionBanner');
if(imgInstitutionBanner) { imgInstitutionBanner.src = 'images/' + bannerFileName; if(divInstitutionBanner) = ''; } }
function HideAllSteps() { var dv_npc_s1_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s1_t"); if(dv_npc_s1_t) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s2_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s2_t"); if(dv_npc_s2_t) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s3_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s3_t"); if(dv_npc_s3_t) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s4_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s4_t"); if(dv_npc_s4_t) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s5_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s5_t"); if(dv_npc_s5_t) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s6_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s6_t"); if(dv_npc_s6_t) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s6_r = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s6_r"); if(dv_npc_s6_r) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s0 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s0"); if(dv_npc_s0) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s1 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s1"); if(dv_npc_s1) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s2 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s2"); if(dv_npc_s2) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s3 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s3"); if(dv_npc_s3) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s4 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s4"); if(dv_npc_s4) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s5 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s5"); if(dv_npc_s5) = 'none';
var dv_npc_s6 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s6"); if(dv_npc_s6) = 'none'; }
function ResetForm() { var imgJavaScriptNote = document.getElementById('imgJavaScriptNote'); if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = ''; } // 1 ResetRadioButton("rb_financialaid"); ResetTextBox("txt_age"); ResetRadioButton("rb_livingstatus"); ResetRadioButton("rb_residencystatus"); // 2 ResetRadioButton("rb_maritalstatus"); ResetRadioButton("rb_numberofchildren"); // 3 ResetRadioButton("rb_numinfamily_dep"); ResetRadioButton("rb_numincollege_dep"); ResetRadioButton("rb_householdincome_dep"); // 4 ResetRadioButton("rb_indnuminfamily"); ResetRadioButton("rb_indnumincollege"); ResetRadioButton("rb_householdincome_ind");
// 6 ResetSpan("s_step6_body"); }
function StartOver() { ResetForm(); ClearVars(); GoTo("0"); }
// function executes when user clicks 'Modify' button function ClearVars() { npc_step = "0"; currentstepid = "0";
// set active=false to 'dict' variable for(propertyName in dict) { if(typeof(dict[propertyName]) !== 'function') { dict[propertyName].active = false; if (dict[propertyName].intValue) dict[propertyName].intValue = 0; if (dict[propertyName].textValue) dict[propertyName].textValue = ''; } } // setup initial constants SetupConstants(); }
function ResetSpan(s) { if (s) { var sid = document.getElementById(s); if (sid) { sid.innerHTML = ""; } } }
function ResetRadioButton(rb) { if (rb) { var n = document.getElementsByName(rb); if (n) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { n[i].checked = false; } } } } function ResetTextBox(t) { if (t) { var txt = document.getElementById(t); if (txt) { txt.value = ""; } } } function GetRadioButtonValues(rb) { if (rb) { var n = document.getElementsByName(rb); if (n) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { if (n[i].checked) { return {label:n[i],value:n[i].value}; } } } } return {value:"",label:""}; } function GetTextBoxValue(t) { if (t) { var txt = document.getElementById(t); if (txt) { return txt.value; } } } function IsInteger(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789"; var IsNumber = true; var Char; for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } function IsNumeric(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789."; var IsNumber = true; var Char; for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } function formatCurrency(num) { num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g, ''); if (isNaN(num)) num = "0"; sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num))); num = Math.floor(num * 100 + 0.50000000001); cents = num % 100; num = Math.floor(num / 100).toString(); if (cents < 10) cents = "0" + cents; for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++) num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + ',' + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3)); return (((sign) ? '' : '-') + '$' + num ); //+ '.' + cents } function HideTag(ptr) { if (ptr) { var ptrHandle = document.getElementById(ptr); if (ptrHandle) { = "none"; } } } function ShowTag(ptr) { if (ptr) { var ptrHandle = document.getElementById(ptr); if (ptrHandle) { = "block"; } } }
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