Net Price Calculator

Net Price Calculator

var dict = {}; dict.isDependent; dict.financialAid = { 'active':false, 'title':'Financial aid', '0':'Yes', '1': 'No', 'intValue':0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.age = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Age', 'intValue': 0 }; dict.livingStatus = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Living arrangement', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.residencyStatus = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Residency', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.maritalStatus = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Marital Status', '0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', 'intValue': '' }; dict.numberOfChildren = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Children', '0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', 'intValue': '' }; dict.numberInFamily = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Number in Family', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.numberInCollege = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Number in College', 'intValue': 0, 'textValue': '' }; dict.householdIncome = { 'active': false, 'title': 'Household Income', 'intValue' : 0, '0': 'Less than $30,000', '1': 'Between $30,000 - $39,999', '2': 'Between $40,000 - $49,999', '3': 'Between $50,000 - $59,999', '4': 'Between $60,000 - $69,999', '5': 'Between $70,000 - $79,999', '6': 'Between $80,000 - $89,999', '7': 'Between $90,000 - $99,999', '8': 'Above $99,999' };

var numberoflivingstatus = 0; var npc1_livingstatus = ""; var npc1_isdefaultlivingstatus = "0"; var npc1_residencystatus = ""; var npc1_isdefaultresidencystatus = "0"; var npc_step = "0"; var currentstepid = "0";

var efcDependent = []; efcDependent[0] = {}; efcDependent[0].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[0].numberInFamily=2; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[1] = 1662; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[2] = 3838; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[3] = 6233; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[4] = 9213; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[5] = 12598; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[6] = 16073; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[7] = 19652; efcDependent[0].incomeRanges[8] = 31988; efcDependent[1] = {}; efcDependent[1].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[1].numberInFamily=3; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[1] = 1148; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[2] = 3345; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[3] = 5671; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[4] = 8505; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[5] = 11903; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[6] = 15457; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[7] = 19000; efcDependent[1].incomeRanges[8] = 33515; efcDependent[2] = {}; efcDependent[2].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[2].numberInFamily=4; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[1] = 322; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[2] = 2499; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[3] = 4632; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[4] = 7038; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[5] = 10235; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[6] = 13750; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[7] = 17322; efcDependent[2].incomeRanges[8] = 32834; efcDependent[3] = {}; efcDependent[3].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[3].numberInFamily=5; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[2] = 1605; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[3] = 3641; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[4] = 5871; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[5] = 8764; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[6] = 12239; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[7] = 15864; efcDependent[3].incomeRanges[8] = 31509; efcDependent[4] = {}; efcDependent[4].numberInCollege=1; efcDependent[4].numberInFamily=6; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[2] = 100; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[3] = 2208; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[4] = 4317; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[5] = 6714; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[6] = 9983; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[7] = 13653; efcDependent[4].incomeRanges[8] = 28644; efcDependent[5] = {}; efcDependent[5].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[5].numberInFamily=2; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[1] = 1233; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[2] = 2538; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[3] = 3589; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[4] = 5014; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[5] = 6773; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[6] = 13372; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[7] = 9297; efcDependent[5].incomeRanges[8] = 27844; efcDependent[6] = {}; efcDependent[6].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[6].numberInFamily=3; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[1] = 839; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[2] = 2005; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[3] = 3374; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[4] = 5085; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[5] = 6794; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[6] = 8614; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[7] = 10326; efcDependent[6].incomeRanges[8] = 17064; efcDependent[7] = {}; efcDependent[7].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[7].numberInFamily=4; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[1] = 549; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[2] = 1697; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[3] = 2949; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[4] = 4526; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[5] = 6192; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[6] = 7988; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[7] = 9775; efcDependent[7].incomeRanges[8] = 18327; efcDependent[8] = {}; efcDependent[8].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[8].numberInFamily=5; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[1] = 83; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[2] = 1226; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[3] = 2357; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[4] = 3728; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[5] = 5410; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[6] = 7182; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[7] = 8974; efcDependent[8].incomeRanges[8] = 17646; efcDependent[9] = {}; efcDependent[9].numberInCollege=2; efcDependent[9].numberInFamily=6; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[2] = 401; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[3] = 1567; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[4] = 2764; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[5] = 4318; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[6] = 6054; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[7] = 7847; efcDependent[9].incomeRanges[8] = 16192; efcDependent[10] = {}; efcDependent[10].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[10].numberInFamily=3; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[1] = 915; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[2] = 1706; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[3] = 2358; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[4] = 3328; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[5] = 5120; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[6] = 7358; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[7] = 6197; efcDependent[10].incomeRanges[8] = 10648; efcDependent[11] = {}; efcDependent[11].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[11].numberInFamily=4; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[1] = 413; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[2] = 1225; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[3] = 2124; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[4] = 3382; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[5] = 4619; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[6] = 5770; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[7] = 6899; efcDependent[11].incomeRanges[8] = 11664; efcDependent[12] = {}; efcDependent[12].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[12].numberInFamily=5; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[1] = 260; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[2] = 1048; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[3] = 1891; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[4] = 2961; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[5] = 4232; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[6] = 5416; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[7] = 6582; efcDependent[12].incomeRanges[8] = 12831; efcDependent[13] = {}; efcDependent[13].numberInCollege=3; efcDependent[13].numberInFamily=6; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges= []; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[2] = 462; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[3] = 1236; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[4] = 2092; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[5] = 3207; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[6] = 4436; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[7] = 5634; efcDependent[13].incomeRanges[8] = 11372;

var efcIndWithoutDep = []; efcIndWithoutDep[0] = {}; efcIndWithoutDep[0].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithoutDep[0].numberInFamily=1; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[1] = 10517; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[2] = 14250; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[3] = 18108; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[4] = 22054; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[5] = 25903; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[6] = 29900; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[7] = 34070.5; efcIndWithoutDep[0].incomeRanges[8] = 49733; efcIndWithoutDep[1] = {}; efcIndWithoutDep[1].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithoutDep[1].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[0] = 672; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[1] = 8286; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[2] = 11986; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[3] = 15852; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[4] = 19648; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[5] = 23491; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[6] = 27325; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[7] = 31081; efcIndWithoutDep[1].incomeRanges[8] = 44262; efcIndWithoutDep[2] = {}; efcIndWithoutDep[2].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithoutDep[2].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[0] = 1206; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[1] = 5119; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[2] = 7005; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[3] = 8953; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[4] = 10871; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[5] = 12767; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[6] = 14727; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[7] = 16566; efcIndWithoutDep[2].incomeRanges[8] = 22169.5;

var efcIndWithDep = []; efcIndWithDep[0] = {}; efcIndWithDep[0].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[0].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[1] = 1637; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[2] = 3443; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[3] = 5690; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[4] = 8862; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[5] = 12472; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[6] = 15990; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[7] = 19521; efcIndWithDep[0].incomeRanges[8] = 31434; efcIndWithDep[1] = {}; efcIndWithDep[1].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[1].numberInFamily=3; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[1] = 1026; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[2] = 2879; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[3] = 4967; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[4] = 7722; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[5] = 11301; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[6] = 14865; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[7] = 18368; efcIndWithDep[1].incomeRanges[8] = 28063; efcIndWithDep[2] = {}; efcIndWithDep[2].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[2].numberInFamily=4; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[1] = 143; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[2] = 2044.5; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[3] = 3933; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[4] = 6320; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[5] = 9661; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[6] = 13299; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[7] = 16837; efcIndWithDep[2].incomeRanges[8] = 26430; efcIndWithDep[3] = {}; efcIndWithDep[3].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[3].numberInFamily=5; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[2] = 1072; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[3] = 2926; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[4] = 5074; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[5] = 7911; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[6] = 11611; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[7] = 15236; efcIndWithDep[3].incomeRanges[8] = 24769; efcIndWithDep[4] = {}; efcIndWithDep[4].numberInCollege=1; efcIndWithDep[4].numberInFamily=6; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[2] = 0; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[3] = 1513; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[4] = 3381; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[5] = 5733; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[6] = 8928; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[7] = 12738; efcIndWithDep[4].incomeRanges[8] = 22158.5; efcIndWithDep[5] = {}; efcIndWithDep[5].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[5].numberInFamily=2; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[1] = 1152; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[2] = 2093; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[3] = 3294; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[4] = 5061; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[5] = 6666; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[6] = 8505.5; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[7] = 10170; efcIndWithDep[5].incomeRanges[8] = 15498; efcIndWithDep[6] = {}; efcIndWithDep[6].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[6].numberInFamily=3; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[1] = 888; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[2] = 1790; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[3] = 2934; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[4] = 4605; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[5] = 6314.5; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[6] = 8089; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[7] = 9798.5; efcIndWithDep[6].incomeRanges[8] = 14646.5; efcIndWithDep[7] = {}; efcIndWithDep[7].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[7].numberInFamily=4; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[1] = 432; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[2] = 1313; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[3] = 2300; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[4] = 3652; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[5] = 5347; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[6] = 7079; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[7] = 8774; efcIndWithDep[7].incomeRanges[8] = 13030; efcIndWithDep[8] = {}; efcIndWithDep[8].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[8].numberInFamily=5; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[2] = 847; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[3] = 1728; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[4] = 2871; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[5] = 4435; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[6] = 6139; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[7] = 7821; efcIndWithDep[8].incomeRanges[8] = 11893.5; efcIndWithDep[9] = {}; efcIndWithDep[9].numberInCollege=2; efcIndWithDep[9].numberInFamily=6; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges= []; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[0] = 0; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[1] = 0; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[2] = 167; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[3] = 985; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[4] = 1866; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[5] = 2986; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[6] = 4546.5; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[7] = 6184; efcIndWithDep[9].incomeRanges[8] = 10154.5;

// POA var POA_Total = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_TRF = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_BS = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_RB = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var POA_O = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'];

// TGA var TGA_0 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_1_1000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_1001_2500 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_2501_5000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_5001_7500 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_7501_10000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_10001_12500 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_12501_15000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_15001_20000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_20001_30000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_30001_40000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_40000 = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; var TGA_NFAFSA = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']; POA_Total = ['21600']; POA_TRF = ['10500']; POA_BS = ['900']; POA_RB = ['6000']; POA_O = ['4200']; TGA_0 = ['16000']; TGA_1_1000 = ['15000']; TGA_1001_2500 = ['13500']; TGA_2501_5000 = ['11000']; TGA_5001_7500 = ['9250']; TGA_7501_10000 = ['7500']; TGA_10001_12500 = ['5750']; TGA_12501_15000 = ['4250']; TGA_15001_20000 = ['2755']; TGA_20001_30000 = ['1000']; TGA_30001_40000 = ['750']; TGA_40000 = ['500']; TGA_NFAFSA = ['1000'];

// Step id Defenition // 1 Age, Living Status, Residency Status // 2 Marital Status, Number of Children // 3 Dependent // 4 Independent // 5 Summary page // 6 OUTPUT PAGE function GoNext() { var imgJavaScriptNote = document.getElementById('imgJavaScriptNote'); if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = 'none'; } if (currentstepid) { if (currentstepid == "0") { GoTo("1"); return; } else if (currentstepid == "1") { var tmp_financialAid = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_financialaid").value; // Financial Aid var tmp_age = GetTextBoxValue("txt_age"); // Age // Living Status if (npc1_livingstatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultlivingstatus == "0") { npc1_livingstatus = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_livingstatus").value; } } // Residency Status if (npc1_residencystatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultresidencystatus == "0") { npc1_residencystatus = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_residencystatus").value; } } // Validate if (tmp_financialAid == "" || tmp_age == "" || npc1_livingstatus == "" || npc1_residencystatus == "") { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } if (!IsInteger(tmp_age)) { alert("Please enter integers only."); return; }

// Save entered values into dictionary dict['financialAid'].active = true; dict['financialAid'].intValue = tmp_financialAid; dict['age'].active = true; dict['age'].intValue = tmp_age; if (npc1_livingstatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultlivingstatus == "0") { dict['livingStatus'].active = true; dict['livingStatus']['textValue'] = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_livingstatus").label.getAttribute('title');

} } if (npc1_residencystatus != "-1") { if (npc1_isdefaultresidencystatus == "0") { dict['residencyStatus'].active = true; dict['residencyStatus']['textValue'] = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_residencystatus").label.getAttribute('title'); } }

// Rules if (dict['financialAid'].intValue == "1") { GenerateSummary(); GoTo("5"); } else { // Hide/show marital status depending on age if (dict['age'].intValue*1 > 23) { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMaritalStatusQuestion'); if (tbl) { = 'none'; } } else { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblMaritalStatusQuestion'); if (tbl) { = ''; } } GoTo("2"); // Change: was 4 } return; } else if (currentstepid == "2") { // Marital Status var tmp_maritalStatus; if (dict['age'].intValue*1 < 24) { tmp_maritalStatus = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_maritalstatus").value; dict['maritalStatus'].active = true; } else { dict['maritalStatus'].active = false; } // Number of Children var tmp_numberOfChildren = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_numberofchildren").value; // Validate var showError = false; if (dict['age'].intValue * 1 < 24 && tmp_maritalStatus == "") { showError = true; } if (tmp_numberOfChildren == "") { showError = true; } if (showError == true) { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } // Save entered values into dictionary dict['maritalStatus'].intValue = tmp_maritalStatus; dict['numberOfChildren'].active = true; dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue = tmp_numberOfChildren; // For independent with children, display additional radio buttons with 'Number in Family' var divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons = document.getElementById('divNumInFamilyWithChildren'); // For independent there are 2 different hints: with children and without var spanNumInFamilyHint = document.getElementById('spanNumInFamilyHint'); if (spanNumInFamilyHint) = 'none'; var spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren = document.getElementById('spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren'); if (spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren) = 'none'; // For independent we have 2 different scenarios for number on college: 'Two' and 'Two or more' var spanTwo = document.getElementById('spanIndNumInCollegeTwo'); var spanTwoOrMore = document.getElementById('spanIndNumInCollegeTwoOrMore'); var divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren = document.getElementById('divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren'); = 'none'; = 'none'; = ''; // Rules if (dict['age'].intValue * 1 > 23) { if (dict['maritalStatus'].intValue * 1 > 0) { // show options for student with children if (div) { = ''; } } else { // hide options for student with children var div = document.getElementById('divNumInFamilyWithChildren'); if (div) { = 'none'; } } dict.isDependent = false; if (dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue * 1 == 1) { if (spanTwo) { = 'none'; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = ''; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = ''; } if (spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = 'none'; } } else { if (spanTwo) { = ''; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = 'none'; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = 'none'; } if (spanNumInFamilyHint) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = ''; } } GoTo('4');

} else { if (dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue * 1 > 0 || dict['maritalStatus'].intValue * 1 > 0) { dict.isDependent = false; if (dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue * 1 == 1) { if (spanTwo) { = 'none'; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = ''; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = ''; } if (spanNumInFamilyHintWithChildren) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = 'none'; } } else { if (spanTwo) { = ''; } if (spanTwoOrMore) { = 'none'; } if (divNumInFamilyRadiobuttons) { = 'none'; } if (spanNumInFamilyHint) { = ''; } if (divFirstOptionForNumInFamilyWithChildren) { = ''; } }

GoTo("4"); } else { dict.isDependent = true; GoTo("3"); } } return; } else if (currentstepid == "3") { var arrNumInFamily = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_numinfamily_dep").value.split('|'); var arrNumInCollege = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_numincollege_dep").value.split('|'); var tmp_numberinfamily = arrNumInFamily[0]; var tmp_numberincollege = arrNumInCollege[0]; var tmp_householdincome = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_householdincome_dep").value;

// Validate if (tmp_numberinfamily == "" || tmp_numberincollege == "" || tmp_householdincome == "") { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } if (arrNumInCollege[1] * 1 >= arrNumInFamily[1] * 1) { alert('The Number in College must be less than the specified Number in Family.'); return; }

// Save entered values into dictionary dict['numberInFamily'].active = true; dict['numberInFamily'].textValue = tmp_numberinfamily; dict['numberInFamily'].intValue = arrNumInFamily[1]*1; dict['numberInCollege'].active = true; dict['numberInCollege'].textValue = tmp_numberincollege; dict['numberInCollege'].intValue = arrNumInCollege[1]*1; dict['householdIncome'].active = true; dict['householdIncome'].intValue = tmp_householdincome * 1; GenerateSummary(); GoTo("5"); return; } else if (currentstepid == "4") { var arrNumInFamily = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_indnuminfamily").value.split('|'); var arrNumInCollege = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_indnumincollege").value.split('|'); var tmp_numberinfamily = arrNumInFamily[0]; var tmp_numberincollege = arrNumInCollege[0]; var tmp_householdincome = GetRadioButtonValues("rb_householdincome_ind").value;

// Validate if (tmp_numberinfamily == "" || tmp_numberincollege == "" || tmp_householdincome == "") { alert("Please answer all questions before proceeding."); return; } if (arrNumInCollege[1] * 1 > arrNumInFamily[1] * 1) { alert('The Number in College must be less than or equal to the specified Number in Family.'); return; }

// Save entered values into dictionary dict['numberInFamily'].active = true; dict['numberInFamily'].textValue = tmp_numberinfamily; dict['numberInFamily'].intValue = arrNumInFamily[1]*1; dict['numberInCollege'].active = true; dict['numberInCollege'].textValue = tmp_numberincollege; dict['numberInCollege'].intValue = arrNumInCollege[1]*1; dict['householdIncome'].active = true; dict['householdIncome'].intValue = tmp_householdincome * 1;

GenerateSummary(); GoTo("5"); return; } else if(currentstepid == "5") { GenerateReport(); GoTo("6"); } } }

function GoTo(stepid) { if (typeof stepid != 'undefined') { var divWithContent = document.getElementById('dv_npc_s' + stepid); var stepTitle = document.getElementById('dv_npc_s' + stepid + '_t'); var stepnumber = document.getElementById("s_step" + stepid); var dv_npc_s6_r = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s"+stepid+"_r");

if ((divWithContent && stepTitle && stepnumber) || (divWithContent && stepid=="0")) { // Handle Step Number if (stepid == "0") { // Going Back to Step #0 npc_step = "0"; } else if (stepid * 1 > currentstepid) { // next npc_step = npc_step * 1 + 1; } else { // previous npc_step = npc_step * 1 - 1; }

// Write step number to span element if (stepid != "0") { stepnumber.innerHTML = npc_step; }

// Show/Hide Step - Change Step HideAllSteps(); = "block"; if (stepid != "0") { = "block"; } if (stepid == "6") { = "block"; var s_step6_h1 = document.getElementById("s_step6_h1"); var s_step6_h2 = document.getElementById("s_step6_h2"); if (s_step6_h1 && s_step6_h2) { if (npc1_financialaid * 1 == 0) { = "block"; = "none"; } else { = "none"; = "block"; } } } currentstepid = stepid; } } }

function GoPrevious() { var imgJavaScriptNote = document.getElementById('imgJavaScriptNote'); if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = 'none'; }

if(currentstepid == '1') { if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = ''; } }

if (currentstepid != '5' && currentstepid != '4') { GoTo('' + (currentstepid * 1 - 1)); } else if (currentstepid == '4') { GoTo('2'); } else { if (dict.isDependent == true) GoTo('3'); else GoTo('4'); } }

function GenerateReport() { var efc = 0; if (dict['financialAid'].intValue * 1 == 0) { efc = GetEFC(); } var lookup_column = "-1"; if (npc1_livingstatus == "-1") { lookup_column = npc1_livingstatus; } else { var res_status = 0; if (npc1_residencystatus != "-1") { res_status = npc1_residencystatus; } lookup_column = numberoflivingstatus * 1 * res_status * 1 + npc1_livingstatus * 1; }

if (lookup_column == "-1") { return; }

var s_etpoa = document.getElementById("s_etpoa"); var s_etf = document.getElementById("s_etf"); var s_erb = document.getElementById("s_erb"); var s_ebs = document.getElementById("s_ebs"); var s_eo = document.getElementById("s_eo"); var s_etga = document.getElementById("s_etga"); var s_enp = document.getElementById("s_enp"); var x = 0; var y = 0;

if (s_etpoa) { x = POA_Total[lookup_column]; s_etpoa.innerHTML = formatCurrency(x); } if (s_etf) { s_etf.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_TRF[lookup_column]); } if (s_erb) { s_erb.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_RB[lookup_column]); } if (s_ebs) { s_ebs.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_BS[lookup_column]); } if (s_eo) { s_eo.innerHTML = formatCurrency(POA_O[lookup_column]); } if (s_etga) { if (dict['financialAid'].intValue * 1 == 1) { // NON-FAFSA y = TGA_NFAFSA[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 == 0) { y = TGA_0[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 1 && efc * 1 <= 1000) { y = TGA_1_1000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1001 >= 1 && efc * 1 <= 2500) { y = TGA_1001_2500[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 2501 >= 1 && efc * 1 <= 5000) { y = TGA_2501_5000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 5001 && efc * 1 <= 7500) { y = TGA_5001_7500[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 7501 && efc * 1 <= 10000) { y = TGA_7501_10000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 10001 && efc * 1 <= 12500) { y = TGA_10001_12500[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 12501 && efc * 1 <= 15000) { y = TGA_12501_15000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 15001 && efc * 1 <= 20000) { y = TGA_15001_20000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 20001 && efc * 1 <= 30000) { y = TGA_20001_30000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 30001 && efc * 1 <= 40000) { y = TGA_30001_40000[lookup_column]; } else if (efc * 1 >= 40001) { y = TGA_40000[lookup_column]; } s_etga.innerHTML = formatCurrency(y); } if (s_enp) { var z = x * 1 - y * 1; s_enp.innerHTML = formatCurrency(z); }


function GetEFC() { var efc = 0; if(dict.isDependent == true) { var arrayLength = efcDependent.length; for(var i=0; i'; // Step 1 if (dict['financialAid'].active == true) { html = html + '

' + dict['financialAid'].title + ' ' + dict['financialAid'][dict['financialAid'].intValue] + ''; } if(dict['age'].active == true) { html = html +' '+dict['age'].title+' '+dict['age'].intValue+''; } if (dict['livingStatus'].active == true) { html = html + ' ' + dict['livingStatus'].title + ' ' + dict['livingStatus'].textValue + ''; } if (dict['residencyStatus'].active == true) { html = html + ' ' + dict['residencyStatus'].title + ' ' + dict['residencyStatus'].textValue + ''; }

// Step 2 if (dict['maritalStatus'].active == true) { html = html + '

' + dict['maritalStatus'].title + ' ' + dict['maritalStatus'][dict['maritalStatus'].intValue] + ''; } if (dict['numberOfChildren'].active == true) { html = html + ' ' + dict['numberOfChildren'].title + ' ' + dict['numberOfChildren'][dict['numberOfChildren'].intValue] + ''; }

// Step 3 & 4 if (dict['numberInFamily'].active == true) { html = html + '

' + dict['numberInFamily'].title + ' ' + dict['numberInFamily'].textValue + ''; } if (dict['numberInCollege'].active == true) { html = html + ' ' + dict['numberInCollege'].title + ' ' + dict['numberInCollege'].textValue + ''; } if (dict['householdIncome'].active == true) { html = html + ' ' + dict['householdIncome'].title + ' ' + dict['householdIncome'][dict['householdIncome'].intValue] + ''; } var dv_summary = document.getElementById('dv_summary'); dv_summary.innerHTML = html + ''; }

// Function displays bunner of institution function setupBanner() { var imgInstitutionBanner = document.getElementById('imgInstitutionBanner'); var divInstitutionBanner = document.getElementById('divInstitutionBanner');

if(imgInstitutionBanner) { imgInstitutionBanner.src = 'images/' + bannerFileName; if(divInstitutionBanner) = ''; } }

function HideAllSteps() { var dv_npc_s1_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s1_t"); if(dv_npc_s1_t) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s2_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s2_t"); if(dv_npc_s2_t) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s3_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s3_t"); if(dv_npc_s3_t) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s4_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s4_t"); if(dv_npc_s4_t) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s5_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s5_t"); if(dv_npc_s5_t) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s6_t = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s6_t"); if(dv_npc_s6_t) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s6_r = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s6_r"); if(dv_npc_s6_r) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s0 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s0"); if(dv_npc_s0) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s1 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s1"); if(dv_npc_s1) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s2 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s2"); if(dv_npc_s2) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s3 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s3"); if(dv_npc_s3) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s4 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s4"); if(dv_npc_s4) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s5 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s5"); if(dv_npc_s5) = 'none';

var dv_npc_s6 = document.getElementById("dv_npc_s6"); if(dv_npc_s6) = 'none'; }

function ResetForm() { var imgJavaScriptNote = document.getElementById('imgJavaScriptNote'); if(imgJavaScriptNote) { = ''; } // 1 ResetRadioButton("rb_financialaid"); ResetTextBox("txt_age"); ResetRadioButton("rb_livingstatus"); ResetRadioButton("rb_residencystatus"); // 2 ResetRadioButton("rb_maritalstatus"); ResetRadioButton("rb_numberofchildren"); // 3 ResetRadioButton("rb_numinfamily_dep"); ResetRadioButton("rb_numincollege_dep"); ResetRadioButton("rb_householdincome_dep"); // 4 ResetRadioButton("rb_indnuminfamily"); ResetRadioButton("rb_indnumincollege"); ResetRadioButton("rb_householdincome_ind");

// 6 ResetSpan("s_step6_body"); }

function StartOver() { ResetForm(); ClearVars(); GoTo("0"); }

// function executes when user clicks 'Modify' button function ClearVars() { npc_step = "0"; currentstepid = "0";

// set active=false to 'dict' variable for(propertyName in dict) { if(typeof(dict[propertyName]) !== 'function') { dict[propertyName].active = false; if (dict[propertyName].intValue) dict[propertyName].intValue = 0; if (dict[propertyName].textValue) dict[propertyName].textValue = ''; } } // setup initial constants SetupConstants(); }

function ResetSpan(s) { if (s) { var sid = document.getElementById(s); if (sid) { sid.innerHTML = ""; } } }

function ResetRadioButton(rb) { if (rb) { var n = document.getElementsByName(rb); if (n) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { n[i].checked = false; } } } } function ResetTextBox(t) { if (t) { var txt = document.getElementById(t); if (txt) { txt.value = ""; } } } function GetRadioButtonValues(rb) { if (rb) { var n = document.getElementsByName(rb); if (n) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { if (n[i].checked) { return {label:n[i],value:n[i].value}; } } } } return {value:"",label:""}; } function GetTextBoxValue(t) { if (t) { var txt = document.getElementById(t); if (txt) { return txt.value; } } } function IsInteger(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789"; var IsNumber = true; var Char; for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } function IsNumeric(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789."; var IsNumber = true; var Char; for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } function formatCurrency(num) { num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g, ''); if (isNaN(num)) num = "0"; sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num))); num = Math.floor(num * 100 + 0.50000000001); cents = num % 100; num = Math.floor(num / 100).toString(); if (cents < 10) cents = "0" + cents; for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++) num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + ',' + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3)); return (((sign) ? '' : '-') + '$' + num ); //+ '.' + cents } function HideTag(ptr) { if (ptr) { var ptrHandle = document.getElementById(ptr); if (ptrHandle) { = "none"; } } } function ShowTag(ptr) { if (ptr) { var ptrHandle = document.getElementById(ptr); if (ptrHandle) { = "block"; } } }

Please read.
By clicking below, I acknowledge that the estimate provided using this calculator does not represent
a final determination, or actual award, of financial assistance, or a final net price; it is an
estimate based on price of attendance and financial aid provided to students in a previous year.
Price of attendance and financial aid availability change year to year. The estimates shall
not be binding on the Secretary of Education, the institution of higher education, or the State.
Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be eligible for,
and receive, an actual financial aid award that includes Federal grant, loan, or work-study assistance.
For more information on applying for Federal student aid, go to
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